Wednesday 14 November 2007

Disrespecting 'Harry Potter'?

I read with some distress a missive in one of our free papers. The writer describes criticism of the Harry Potter books as being "disrespectful" – oh dear, where to begin?

Ignoring this use of the absurd U.S. "hip hop" argot that appears to have become de rigueur throughout our once-sovereign state, does this person believe that J.K. Rowling is somehow deserving of "respect" because of the undoubtedly huge sales of her books? I believe that Miss Jade Goody attracted millions of viewers during her appearances on the execrable 'Big Brother' – is she also worthy of "respect"? Or does s/he genuinely believe that the Harry Potter oeuvre constitutes the "greatest literature ever written"?

Can it be that our nation, mother to Shakespeare, Dickens, Milton and de Quincey, offers now the proud boast that it gave the literary world 'Muggles' and 'Hagrid'? God help us.

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